Postdoctoral Positions in Condensed Matter and Quantum Information Theory

Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems
Dresden, Sachsen (DE)
Dec 23, 2024
Jan 24, 2025
Role Type
Fellow / Post-Doc
Career Level
Academic Career
Work Mode
Contract Type
Full Time
Organization Type


The Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems in Dresden announces the opening of one or several

Postdoctoral Positions in Condensed Matter and Quantum Information Theory

The areas of research range from strongly correlated fermions and bosons in and out of equilibrium, gauge theories, spintronics, frustra­ted systems, and topological / fractiona­lized phases of matter via computational many-body physics nonequilibrium quantum dyna­mics to quantum computation, quan­tum information, and machine learning.

The institute provides a stimulating environment due to an active in-house work­shop program and a broad range of other research activities. Successful candidates will have the freedom to work with the research groups of Roderich Moessner, Marin Bukov, Pieter Claeys, Ashley Cook, Libor Šmejkal, and Alexander Wietek. Strong experimental groups are nearby, in particular in the neighbouring Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids.

To apply for a position, please fill the online application form ( and upload your application package (cover letter, curri­culum vitae, list of publi­cations, statement of re­search interests, and research proposal as well as the three most relevant publications) in one PDF file. Please arrange for at least two letters of reference to be submitted by January 24, 2025, as PDF files via

The institute aims to increase the number of women in scientific positions. Female candidates are therefore particularly encouraged to apply.

In case of equal qualifications, candidates with disabilities will take precedence.